Weekly Reflection – Never Beyond His Reach

Weekly Reflection – Never Beyond His Reach

Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or trouble, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?

— ROMANS 8:35

To reflect on Paul’s question, we must consider what God has done for us. As the Word said of Abraham, our Father did not withhold His only Son for our behalf (Genesis 22:12). Through Christ, God freely gives us all we need and desire based on His perfect will for our lives. He provides His children redemption, restoration and eternal life, deliverance from our enemies, healing of body, mind, and spirit, wealth and prosperity, and the wisdom needed to live His abundant life (John 10:10). The righteous will want for no good thing (Psalm 34:10).

If you experience hardship in any area this week, don’t be afraid to present your needs to God—He stands ready to provide for you, just as He continually provides for His people, Israel.