The Six Day War: 54 years Since a Modern Miracle

The Six Day War: 54 years Since a Modern Miracle

In 1967, Israel faced an invasion of nearly half a million Arab troops positioned along every border. Terrorism had plagued Israelis for years. Arab leaders spoke openly of their desire to wipe Israel off the map, and to massacre every Jewish man, woman, and child.

By June 1st, it was clear that if Israel did nothing, the Arab armies on its borders would wipe out the Jewish state. Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq joined Syria and Egypt in preparations to fight and win miraculous victories over the enemy armies for five more days.

By the end of the Six Day War, Israel had captured the Sinai Peninsula, the Golan Heights, the Gaza strip, and the ancient biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria. And finally, after thousands of years of waiting, they liberated the Old City of Jerusalem.

Eventually, Israel willingly exchanged most of the land for peace agreements, but Jerusalem was too precious to give up. After 19 years of painful separation, the Jewish people again had access to their holiest sites. Under Israeli authority, Jerusalem was made safe for people of all religions to live in and freely worship according to their own traditions.

In the 54 years that have passed since this historic and unprecedented defensive war, Israel has continued to thrive and grow stronger.

To learn the Arab League’s response to the devastating losses in the Six Day War, watch this short video:


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To learn more about the fascinating role played by a famous Israeli spy in Israel ‘s victories during the Six Day War, watch CUFI’s Micro History video “Eli Cohen (1924-1965).”