

Kasim Hafeez

CUFI’s Middle East Analyst

Kasim Hafeez is a British citizen of Pakistani Muslim heritage who grew up being exposed to radical anti-Western, anti-Semitic and anti-Israel ideas on a daily basis. During his teenage years Kasim embraced a radical Islamist ideology and became very active in the anti-Israel movement. Thankfully Alan Dershowitz’s book ‘The Case for Israel’ challenged Kasim’s fundamental beliefs and caused him to undertake a period of research and reflection that led him to Israel in 2007. Witnessing the true nature of the Jewish state changed Kasim’s perception of Israel. He felt a moral obligation to publically speak out for Israel and the dangers of radical Islam. He has spoken all over the world including the 2013 Global Forum on Combatting Anti-Semitism. Kasim has appeared on radio and television and print media.