CUFI Welcomes Latest Re-Imposition of Iran Sanctions
Hagee: “Even when the conventional wisdom dictated the Iran deal was here to say, we never lost focus.”
November 5, 2018 WASHINGTON – On Monday, the leadership of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), the nation’s largest pro-Israel organization, issued a statement welcoming the Trump administration’s latest re-imposition of sanctions against Iran.
Since the very first rumors of negotiations surfaced, CUFI consistently and unequivocally opposed the Iran deal, making clear that it would empower the Islamic Republic while imperiling the United States and our allies around the globe.
As troubling reports about the substance of negotiations between world powers and the Islamic Republic trickled out, CUFI took a bold and direct stance in opposition to the agreement. When the deal was announced in July of 2015, 5,000 CUFI activists, in Washington for the CUFI Annual Summit, immediately went to the Hill to lobby against it.
Months later, as Congress prepared to vote on measures related to the deal, CUFI lead the grassroots effort in opposition to the agreement by sending tens of thousands of emails to Capitol Hill, running ads in papers across the country and organizing CUFI members to meet with their Members of Congress in their states and Washington.
And since Pres. Trump took office, CUFI has unfailingly spoken out in opposition to the deal and supported legislation targeting the Islamic Republic’s illicit activities.
“Even when the conventional wisdom dictated the Iran deal was here to say, we never lost focus. The Iran deal was so deeply flawed that it would’ve enabled the very thing it was intended to prevent. We applauded Pres. Trump’s decision to exit the agreement and we now welcome the latest re-imposition of sanctions against Tehran,” said CUFI founder and Chairman Pastor John Hagee.
“Until Iran abandons its illicit activities, they will not have a seat at the international table. The Mullahs of Tehran are the enemies of all freedom loving people in the world, including the people of Iran. They must be stopped,” Hagee added.
In a recent blogpost on the topic, the group also addressed some of the details associated with the scope of the sanctions being re-imposed.
“CUFI recognizes that limited oil waivers will, overtime, steadily decrease Iran’s oil output, thereby ratcheting up pressure on Tehran to change its illicit behavior. CUFI also believes the most effective measure would be to cut all Iranian banks off from the international financial network known as SWIFT. Allowing any Iranian banks to be associated with SWIFT could have the unintended consequence of enabling efforts of those seeking to circumvent sanctions,” the group’s leadership noted in the post.
With more than 4.5 million members, Christians United for Israel is the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States and one of the leading Christian grassroots movements in the world. CUFI spans all fifty states and reaches millions with its message. Each year CUFI holds hundreds of pro-Israel events in cities around the country. And each July, thousands of pro-Israel Christians gather in Washington, D.C. to participate in the CUFI Washington Summit and make their voices heard in support of Israel and the Jewish people.