The Israel Course
Small Group
Welcome! We are glad you are here.
Small Group Leaders for CUFI’s The Israel Course serve in a shepherding capacity, and their responsibilities include: recruiting for the 20-week meetings, preparing for and leading each lesson, and working closely with their CUFI Field Coordinator in both preparation for meetings and follow up.
Before you fill out the application, please read the content below and watch our CUFI in Action video. It’s important that you are familiar with the mission and vision of Christians United for Israel as well as what the role of Small Group Leader for CUFI’s The Israel Course entails.
What is Christians United for Israel?
As the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States, with over 10 million members, Christians United for Israel (CUFI) is the foremost Christian organization educating and empowering millions of Americans to speak and act with one voice in defense of Israel and the Jewish people. CUFI’s diversity across political, ethnic, generational and denominational lines maximizes our impact in communities, the media, on campus, and in our nation’s capital. CUFI is committed to confronting indifference and combating antisemitism in all its forms wherever it may be found.
What is The Israel Course?
CUFI’s The Israel Course is a 20-lesson curriculum designed to educate, motivate, and activate Christians across the nation to speak and act on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people. Participants in small groups will learn foundational truths about our Christian connection to Israel, the Jewish people, the Jews’ connection to the land of Israel, and Israel’s role as a light unto the nations.
What is the role of a Small Group Leader?
A Small Group Leader for CUFI’s The Israel Course must be able to commit to leading or co-leading the 20 lesson/week course as well as attending a virtual small group leader training, recruiting participants, securing meeting space, and working closely with their CUFI Field Coordinator throughout the 20-week course. CUFI’s The Israel Course Small Group Leaders will receive a hardcopy booklet of The Israel Course at no cost, along with a welcome packet. The estimated time commitment for this role is 1-3 hours per lesson/week, in the form of lesson planning, one weekly meeting, and follow-up with the group. Small Group Leaders play an important role in CUFI small groups, and the impact of this course in a community or a church will be tremendous.
If you are interested in serving in this role, please fill out the application below.
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General Information:
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Please select response Yes No |
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(Maximum response 255 chars, approx. 5 rows of text) |
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(Maximum response 255 chars, approx. 5 rows of text) |
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Please select response Yes No |
Essay Portion: This section is one of the key determining factors in becoming a CUFI Israel Course Small Group Leader. Responses must be at least 5 sentences in length. Please be sure to proofread spelling and grammar errors before submitting this application for review. Thank you. |
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Please select response Yes No |
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Please select response Yes No |
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Vision and Intent Agreement: By submitting this application, you are agreeing to uphold the above standards should you become an officially recognized and trained small group leader for CUFI’s The Israel Course. I am ready to submit the application. |