
Making Israel Stronger and Her People Safer

As the largest pro-Israel grassroots organization in the United States, Christians United for Israel is also the only Christian organization devoted to transforming millions of pro-Israel Christians into an educated, empowered, and effective force for Israel. As we grow in size and influence, CUFI strives to act as a defensive shield against anti-Israel lies, boycotts, bad theology, and political threats that seek to delegitimize Israel’s existence and weaken the close relationship between Israel and the United States.

In 2024, with the help of CUFI members, CUFI:

Educated thousands of Christians concerning the truth about Israel at hundreds of events across the country.

Reached over 46 million people with facts about Israel, educational content, breaking news, scripture, and action alerts on our 17 social media channels.

Educated over 2,100 high school students and more than 1,500 college students with biblical, historical, and political truths about Israel.

Gathered more than 1,200 Israel supporters in Washington for CUFI’s annual Summit, where we met with our elected officials in support of pro-Israel legislation.

Educated millions through op-eds published by major news outlets.

Advanced vital policies and legislation aimed at securing Israel’s victory, combating antisemitism [IHRA], and ensuring the next generation learns about the Holocaust [Holocaust Education Act] through the Iran Sanctions Enforcement Act, the Countering Hate Against Israel by Federal Contractors Act, and the Antisemitism Awareness Act.

And much, much more.

It is truly amazing to be there. I lingered [and] it was very moving. I prayed for Israel and the United States as I shed tears for both. - Ben Manson Supporter
As a Christian it is not only our responsibility but it is also our privilege to stand up for the Jewish people and the State of Israel. There is no better place to do that than at the DC Summit as we come together with thousands of like-minded believers to learn first-hand the truth about Israel. - Shari Dilg Congregational Liaison
Committing myself to CUFI movement is best decision I made for the Kingdom of God. I feel a true connection to the State of Israel spiritually, and understand that my Christian roots are connected to the Jewish people. Denise Myers Illinois
I can think of no other organization that so strongly and continually unites all generations with their respective gifts, talents, and abilities in standing for such a vitally needed and most noble cause. Pastor Barney & Sandi Carbajal New Mexico
As a CUFI Congressional Liaison, meeting with my respective delegates was a great opportunity to enlist their support on legislation concerning the nation of Israel. Rick and Theresa Carbajal Congressional Liaison
Because of your generosity and commitment to the importance of helping our Members of Congress understand the rightness and benefit of standing with Israel through CUFI I was able to be a part of the conversation. Marilyn Butler Wisconsin