Christian Zionist conference celebrates Trump era in US-Israel relations
The Christians United for Israel organization’s Washington policy conference focused Tuesday on lobbying for a bill that would restrict Israel boycotts, among other legislative actions.
The speaking roster for the two-day conference, attended by 5,000 activists, included a video address by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and live speeches by Nikki Haley, the US ambassador to the United Nations, and Ron Dermer, the Israeli ambassador to Washington and a senior adviser to Netanyahu. Haley has made support for Israel a central plank of her tenure at the UN.
CUFI pushed a bill that would extend some longstanding restrictions against complying with the Arab League Boycott to businesses that comply with the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement targeting Israel. The bill has backers in both parties.
Activists met with 98 percent of lawmakers or their staff members, a CUFI spokesman told JTA.
But the speaking roster was otherwise uniformly Republican, including Sens. John Cornyn and Ted Cruz of Texas, Tom Cotton of Arkansas and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, and the tone of the conference was a triumphant welcome of US President Donald Trump’s replacement of President Barack Obama. Previous conferences have had at least token Democratic representation.
“For years CUFI was at odds with the previous administration on a wide range of issues, but since President Trump took office we’ve seen one victory after another,” CUFI’s founder, Pastor John Hagee, said in a statement. “We are here in Washington advocating for issues that will strengthen the US-Israel relationship during a time when the White House is keenly interested in doing just that.”
Speaker after speaker cited Trump’s decision to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem and his pullout this year from the Iran nuclear deal.
Read More: Times of Israel