Help young Americans stand with Israel
Help young Americans stand with Israel
A recent survey of young adults ages 18-29 revealed that 48% of Americans could not name a single death camp established during World War II. Shockingly, some adults surveyed say they had never heard of the Holocaust before taking the survey.

Christians United for Israel recognizes the vital importance of educating America’s youth. With your help we can ensure that today’s young adults commit to the Never Again promise.
Because of CUFI’s Next Gen initiative, the next generation of pro-Israel students is boldly defending God’s promises and saying yes to the biblical mandate to stand with the Jewish people. They are engaging in crucial conversation with their peers, influencing the narrative about Israel, and impacting America’s future support for Zion.

Through your valued partnership with CUFI, we can engage and educate high school and college students in understanding Israel’s biblical, historical, and geopolitical significance, equipping them to defend Zion today and tomorrow.
A recent survey of young adults ages 18-29 revealed that 48% of Americans could not name a single death camp established during World War II. Shockingly, some adults surveyed say they had never heard of the Holocaust before taking the survey.

Christians United for Israel recognizes the vital importance of educating America’s youth. With your help we can ensure that today’s young adults commit to the Never Again promise.
Because of CUFI’s Next Gen initiative, the next generation of pro-Israel students is boldly defending God’s promises and saying yes to the biblical mandate to stand with the Jewish people. They are engaging in crucial conversation with their peers, influencing the narrative about Israel, and impacting America’s future support for Zion.

Through your valued partnership with CUFI, we can engage and educate high school and college students in understanding Israel’s biblical, historical, and geopolitical significance, equipping them to defend Zion today and tomorrow.
With your gift of any amount, receive this beautiful custom-designed mezuzah created by a CUFI high school student in honor of those who have given their lives in defense of Zion.
Your gift will help educate and empower the next generation of defenders of Zion to spread the truth about Israel and the Jewish people on their campuses and in their communities.
Partner with CUFI today to get your custom mezuzah — yours with a gift of any amount — and continue making a difference for Zion’s sake!
Here are some additional ways you can support CUFI’s mission:
attend cufi's 20th annual washington summit
Unite with Christians and Jews from across the country this summer to stand up and speak out on Capitol Hill in support of Israel. Register for CUFI’s 20th annual Washington Summit, June 29-July 1, where together we can show Israel and the Jewish people that they are not alone.
vacation with purpose
To maximize your time in DC we have created a Vacation with a Purpose package which includes registration for the CUFI National Summit along with a custom tour of our nation’s capital and the surrounding areas that highlight the strong Biblical heritage on which America was founded.