Fresh news and analysis from Christians United
for Israel with your host, Kasim Hafeez

Don’t miss new episodes dropping every Thursday on YouTube to stay informed on all things Israel in short segments featuring CUFI’s Deputy Communications Director for Messaging Kasim Hafeez. Sign up to receive the latest episodes straight to your inbox.


CUFI Weekly: Protest or pogrom? Anti-Jewish riots intensify

This week, reports of spiking violence against Jews across Europe and the United States are troubling reminders that antisemitism is still alive and well in the West.

In this episode, Kasim challenges silent Christians to stop ignoring the disturbing intensification of global antisemitism.

CUFI Weekly: Tehran plays chess with the West

This week, Since October 7, Iran has swiftly expanded its nefarious reach from the Middle East to democracies worldwide in its attempt to overtake peace-loving nations from the inside. 

In this episode, Kasim describes the Iranian regime’s methods and the importance of standing up and speaking out before it’s too late.

CUFI Weekly: Palestinians help Hamas hide hostages

Shocking reports surfaced this week that several of the hostages rescued in Rafah were being held by a doctor and a journalist. But anti-Israel media focused on Palestinians killed during the rescue rather than the fact that Hamas is hiding hostages among civilians in Rafah.

In this episode, hear more about the media’s absurd response and why Christians must share the truth about the Israel-Hamas war. Kasim highlights the values shared by Israel and America and what Americans can learn from the ways Israel observes these two important days.

CUFI Weekly: Media silent as Israel burns

Since 10/7, Hezbollah has fired 5,000 missiles, rockets and drones at Israel. This week, their attacks have intensified, igniting massive fires that are burning across northern Israel.

In this episode, Kasim highlights the media’s silence about these events and why Christians must raise their voices on Israel’s behalf.

Meet Your Host

Kasim Hafeez

Kasim Hafeez is a British citizen of Pakistani Muslim heritage who grew up being exposed to radical anti-Western, antisemitic, and anti-Israel ideas daily. During his teenage years, Kasim embraced a radical Islamist ideology and became very active in the anti-Israel movement. Thankfully, Alan Dershowitz’s book The Case for Israel challenged Kasim’s fundamental beliefs and caused him to undertake a period of research and reflection that led him to Israel in 2007. Witnessing the true nature of the Jewish state changed Kasim’s perception of Israel. He felt a moral obligation to publicly speak out for Israel and the dangers of radical Islam. He has spoken all over the world including the 2013 Global Forum on Combatting Antisemitism and before the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. Kasim has appeared on radio, television, and in print media. Kasim also appears alongside Holocaust survivor Irving Roth in CUFI’s full-length feature documentary Never Again?. To learn more, visit

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Listen to biweekly conversations with experts on Israel and the Middle East hosted by CUFI’s Middle East Analyst Kasim Hafeez and CUFI’s Communications Associate Corina Cater

CUFI’s Middle East Briefing, a project of Christians United for Israel, is a news and policy podcast dedicated to keeping you informed about important issues and events in the Middle East. Every other week, CUFI’s Middle East Briefing Hosts, Kasim Hafeez and Corina Cater, will sit down with a special guest to discuss the latest news and delve deeper into issues pertinent to Israel and the broader Middle East.

As the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States, with over 10 million members, Christians United for Israel (CUFI) is the foremost Christian organization educating and empowering millions of Americans to speak and act with one voice in defense of Israel and the Jewish people. CUFI is committed to confronting indifference and combating anti-Semitism in all its forms wherever it may be found.

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